Q: How powerful is your telescope?
A: It’s powerful enough that even with this light pollution I can see things 2.5 billion light years away, or nearly a fifth of the way back to the Big Bang.
3C 273 was the first quasar identified and it is bright enough to be seen in many amateur telescopes. Because quasars are star-like (the term quasar was coined as an abbreviation for quasi-stellar radio sources), they show up well in washed-out skies if you use magnification to darken the background. At magnitude 12.8, under typical urban/suburban light pollution 3C 273 should be visible in 8 inch (200 mm) telescopes on nights with good transparency, but it can be very challenging for 6 inch (150 mm) telescopes on all but the most transparent nights.
At 2.44 giga light years (750 megaparsecs or 1.5 x 1022 miles), 3C 273 is hands-down the farthest object brighter than 13th magnitude. While it looks no different than an ordinary star, just think how long that light took to get to you: the photons hitting your eye started their journey during the Proterozoic eon, just before Earth’s first major ice age (the Makganyene ice age), and about the time that the first generations of photosynthetic life forms triggered the Oxygen Catastrophe. Way cool!
Now, the challenge to observing 3C 273 is finding it….