Emission nebulae http://washedoutastronomy.com/taxonomy/term/30/all en Urban Orion http://washedoutastronomy.com/content/urban-orion <!-- google_ad_section_start --><p><img width="135" vspace="4" hspace="8" height="180" align="left" title="The constellation Orion" alt="The constellation of Orion" src="/sites/washedoutastronomy.com/files/u3/Orion_constellation.jpg" />Orion is not only the best known winter constellation, but it is also a great urban constellation. Thanks to its distinctive arrangement of rather bright stars, Orion shines through in heavily washed-out skies, even when few other constellations can recognized. It is also the home of the Great Orion Nebula (M42) big, bright, and easily visible even in washed-out skies. However, M42 is only the most famous of many interesting astronomical objects in Orion. And best of all for urban astronomers, quite a few of Orion's objects&mdash;like the constellation itself&mdash;can be enjoyed in light-polluted skies. Here is a run down...</p> <!-- google_ad_section_end --><p><a href="http://washedoutastronomy.com/content/urban-orion" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://washedoutastronomy.com/content/urban-orion#comments Double stars Planetary nebulae Emission nebulae Nebula filters Mon, 20 Feb 2012 15:26:57 +0000 Washed-out Astronomer 41 at http://washedoutastronomy.com